drawing entrails is fun, and hours of it. i think i could probably draw intestines all day long an never get tired of it. a little morbid maybe, but it takes my mind away from the blah-blah-blah of work and the fact that the only reason i leave my house during the week is to pay bills. weekend here i come. i shall destroy the earth's supply of guiness as i see fit, with my digestive system!!!! i've been getting a lot more hits lately, and im not sure if its because more people are checking in, or people are checking in more. either way thanks i appreciate it. this whole thing so far has been completely on the fly. i basically draw the panels out and then script it after they are colored, i think i'll try and put a little more forethought into the next dream. although i thik this one is turning out quite well. hasta muchachos y muchachas
Go ahead, leave a message...it'll feel good, like wearing a hat made out of watermelon rinds!
(thanks to eight for the unwitting grace of giving me a tagpost)
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